Thursday, July 21, 2011

Missing Home..

This whole week has kind of stunk... 

The Mr. has been on range all week so he has been going to bed 
super super early and leaving in the middle of the night..
I have tried to go to bed with him, but then i'm waking up in the 
middle of the night with him and sitting around literally all day.. 

My car isn't running so even if I had something to do I would be able to go lol 

The Dessert kind of sucks!... sometimes.. lol 

I'm just ready for this week to pass! 

My birthday is next Saturday.. but I don't think we are going 
to get to do anything... 

My birthday will consist of fixing the car and getting new tires 
for the truck because one blew... Isn't it funny how that 
always works out.. you plan something and put money back 
then something goes wrong and you have to fix it... lol 

Oh well just thankful we have the money.. 

I have been really missing home this week.. probably has a lot with the Mr.
being gone so much.. but I am really missing my family.. 
I am very close to them and its crazy not seeing them. 

I am also really missing the grass! haha I used to love going out at night
barefoot walking in the grass and looking at the stars.. Here its just dirt,
gravel, and stickers.. 

I need to get out of the house!! lol 

This morning I got up at 3am and 
moved everything out of the kitchen and living room, 
and swept and mopped, did dishes, and cleaned the counters 
and table... finally at 5am I laid back down watched a movie 
and fell asleep... then got back up at 8:30 lol 

I just wish there was more to do in this town, and 
more people I knew to do things with... 

I am so excited for this weekend though, to actually spend time 
with the Mr. and Relax! 


  1. hey,
    I understand completely. I moved here about 2 months ago and I am so bored. We only have 1 car that most of the time my husband takes to work. I am not the kind of person to sit around all day and do nothing and it sucks. I mostly clean all day to keep me from boredom. Also, we had a flat tire last week and had to go and get that fixed.

  2. Yes! This place is so small, and you have to spend tons of gas money to go do anything fun! I have been here for almost 2 months too!!! Here lately we have only had the truck, but we think we may have gotten my car fixed but we will see in the next few days! haha I clean a lot too! We live off base so I cant just walk to a park or something. We have concrete floors that seem to NEVER get completely clean and I sweep and Mop everyday! Are you on base? Who is your husband with?

  3. Yeah, I am on base and my husband is with 3rd LAR, what about your husband? I seen your most recent post and we just got a puppy and named it Gunner too. When he gets little bigger I will probably take him to the doggie park down the road a lot since there's not much to do. But my husband is looking at buying a motorcycle so I can get a job and do something. Also, your wedding pictures are amazing :)


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